2/16 “Those Who Have Not Seen” (John 20:24-31) Pastor Daniel Kim
2/9 “The Calling of Shalom” (John 20:19-23) Pastor Daniel Kim
2/2 “Do Not Cling to Me, But Go” (John 20:11-18) Pastor Daniel Kim
1/26 “"The Unexpected Good and Surpassing Life" (John 20:1-10) Pastor Daniel Kim
1/19 "Moving From Fear To Resolve" (John 19:38-42) Pastor Daniel Kim
1/12 "The Washing of New Life" (John 19:31-37) Pastor Daniel Kim
1/5 “Coronation and Inception" (John 19:17-30) Pastor Daniel Kim
12/29 “Hessed Love for King-Killers” (John 19:1-16) Pastor Daniel Kim
12/1 “The Righteous King's Path" (John 18:28-40) Pastor Daniel Kim
11/17 “Love Beyond Failure" (John 18:12-27) Pastor Daniel Kim
11/10 “Victory Through Death, In Death" (John 18:1-11) Pastor Daniel Kim
11/3 "The Work to Be Fulfilled" (John 17:20-26) Pastor Daniel Kim
10/27 “Consecrated for Heaven" (John 17:14-19) Pastor Daniel Kim
10/20 "Kept In Joy, Preserved As One" (John 17:1-13) Pastor Daniel Kim
10/13 "Enduring Beyond Failures" (John 16:25-33) Pastor Daniel Kim
10/6 "Joy of Birth" (John 16:16-24) Pastor Daniel Kim
9/29 "The Great Unveiling" (John 16:1-15) Pastor Daniel Kim
9/15 "Hated For The Right Reasons" (John 15:18-27) Pastor Daniel Kim
9/8 "Our Calling of Love" (John 15:7-17) Pastor Daniel Kim
9/1 “Belonging to the True Vine” (John 15:1-6) Pastor Daniel Kim
8/25 "Will, Love, and Peace" (John 14:15-27) Pastor Daniel Kim
8/18 "Breath of God's Will" (John 14:11-17) Pastor Daniel Kim
8/11 "To See The Father" (John 14:7-11) Pastor Daniel Kim
8/4 “No Other Way, Truth, Life” (John 14:4-6) Pastor Daniel Kim
7/28 "Found In The Father's House" (John 14:1-3) Pastor Daniel Kim
7/21 “The Fundamental Command" (John 13:31-38 ) Pastor Daniel Kim
7/14 "The Final Cry To Turn And Live " (John 13:21-30) Pastor Daniel Kim
7/7 "In Jesus's Footsteps " (John 13:12-20) Pastor Daniel Kim
6/30 "The Humble, Unending Love" (John 13:1-11) Pastor Daniel Kim
6/23 "Beyond Signs, Beyond Fear" (John 12:37-50) Pastor Daniel Kim
6/16 "Only Death Leads To Life" (John 12:20-33) Pastor Daniel Kim
5/26 "The Return Of The King" (John 12:9-19) Pastor Daniel Kim
5/19 "Priceless Christ, Priceless Worship" (John. 12:1-8) Pastor Daniel Kim
5/5 "A Foretaste of Power & Wisdom" (John 11:38-53) Pastor Daniel Kim
4/28 "Indignant Over Suffering" (John 11:28-37) Pastor Daniel Kim
4/21 "Resurrection, Here and Now" (John 11:17-27) Pastor Daniel Kim
4/14 "For The Glory Of God" (John 11:1-16) Pastor Daniel Kim
4/7 "The Greater Witness" (John 10:30-42) Pastor Daniel Kim
3/24 "Called and Kept" (John 10:22-30) Pastor Daniel Kim
3/17 "Dying To Live As One" (John 10:14-18) Pastor Daniel Kim
3/10 "The Good Shepard's Call" (John 10:1-15) Pastor Daniel Kim
3/3 "Power of One True Encounter" (John 9:21-41) Pastor Daniel Kim
12/17 "Remolded To See And Live" (John 9:1-7) Pastor Daniel Kim
11/26 "Who Is God's Child?" (John 8:37-47) Pastor Daniel Kim
10/22 "Life Through Mercy" (John 8:1-11) Pastor Daniel Kim
10/15 "THE RIVERS OF LIFE WITHIN" (JOHN 7:37-39) Pastor Daniel Kim
10/08 "LOVE, THE EYES TO SEE" (John 7:10-24) Pastor Daniel Kim
10/01 "ONLY ONE WAY TO GLORY AND LIFE" (JOHN 7:1-9) Pastor Daniel Kim
09/24 "TAUGHT AND HELD" (JOHN 6:60-71) Pastor Daniel Kim
09/17 "EATING BY ABIDING" (JOHN 6:41-59) Pastor Daniel Kim
09/10 "PURSUIT OF REAL LIFE" (JOHN 6:22-40) Pastor Daniel Kim
09/03 "EGO EIMI" (JOHN 6:16-21) Pastor Daniel Kim
08/27 "JESUS IS MORE" (JOHN 6:1-15) Pastor Daniel Kim
08/20 "Witness, A Matter of Love" (JOHN 5:30-47) Pastor Daniel Kim
08/13 "AUTHORITY OF THE SON" (JOHN 5:19-29) Pastor Daniel Kim
08/06 "LOOK, THE LAMB OF GOD" (John 1:29-39) Pastor Timothy Lim
07/30 "The Meaning of True Rest" (John 5:9-17) Pastor Daniel Kim
07/09 “ASSURED AND BLESSED TENSION” (JOHN 4:43-54) Pastor Daniel Kim
06/25 “DISCIPLESHIP IN SPIRITUAL FOOD” (JOHN 4:31-38) Pastor Daniel Kim
06/18 “THE POWER OF WITNESS” (JOHN 4:27-30, 39-42) Pastor Daniel Kim
06/11 “WORSHIP OF LIVING LIFE” (JOHN 4:19-26) Pastor Daniel Kim
05/28 “WATERS OF LIVING LIFE” (JOHN 4:6-18) Pastor Daniel Kim
05/14 “THE SUPREMACY OF JESUS” (JOHN 3:22-36) Pastor Daniel Kim
05/07 “SAVING GRACE, SAVING FAITH” (JOHN 3:10-21) Pastor Daniel Kim
04/30 “UNFAITHFUL FAITH VS. FAITH” (JOHN 2:23 - 3:10) Pastor Daniel Kim
04/16 “DESTRUCTION FOR CONSTRUCTION” (JOHN 2:13-22) Pastor Daniel Kim
04/02 “BANQUET OF HEAVEN” (JOHN 2:1-12) Pastor Daniel Kim
*Audio issues for the first 8 minutes of sermon
03/19 “MESSIAH AND TEMPLE TO COME?” (JOHN 1:43-51) Pastor Daniel Kim
03/12 "FORMING THE COMMUNITY OF GOD" (JOHN 1:35-42) Pastor Daniel Kim
03/05 "THE VICTORIOUS LAMB" (JOHN 1:29-34) Pastor Daniel Kim
02/26 "BUT A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS" (JOHN 1:19-28) Pastor Daniel Kim
01/22 "THE TABERNACLED WORD" (JOHN 1:14-18) Pastor Daniel Kim
01/15 "FAMILY OF GOD" (JOHN 1:6-13) Pastor Daniel Kim
01/08 “THE NEW BEGINNING, THE NEW CREATION” (JOHN 1:1-5) Pastor Daniel Kim