The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached (Matt 4:12-25) 20.05.10
The Beatitudes Part 1 (Matt 5:1-12) 20.05.17
The Beatitudes Part 2 (Matt 5:1-12) 20.05.24
The Beatitudes Part 3 (Matt 5:1-12) 20.05.31
The Beatitudes Part 4 (Matt 5:1-12) 20.06.07
The Beatitudes Part 5 (Matt 5:1-12) 20.06.14
The Christian Witness in the World (Matt 5:13-16) 20.06.21
The Great Christian Righteousness (Matt 5:17-20) 20.06.28
You Shall Not Murder (Matt 5:21-26) 20.07.05
Kill sin or sin will kill you (Matt 5:27-30) 20.07.12
Jesus on Divorce (Matt 5:31-32) 20.07.19
Jesus on Truthfulness (Matt 5:33-37) 20.07.26
Do not resist the evil person (Matt 5:38-42) 20.08.02
Love your enemies (Matt 5:43-48) 20.08.09
When You Give (Matt 6:1-4) 20.08.16
How not to pray (Matt 6:5-8) 20.08.23
The Lord’s Prayer (1): Pray then like this (Matt 6:9-15) 20.08.30
The Lord’s Prayer (2): Our Father in heaven (Matt 6:9-15) 20.09.06
The Lord’s Prayer (3): Hallowed Be Your Name (Matt 6:9-15) 20.09.13
The Lord’s Prayer (4): Your Kingdom Come (Matt 6:9-15) 20.09.20
The Lord’s Prayer (5): Your Will be Done (Matt 6:9-15) 20.09.27
The Lord’s Prayer (6): Give us this day our daily bread (Matt 6:9-15) 20.10.04
The Lord’s Prayer (7): Forgive Us Our Debts (Matt 6:9-15) 20.10.11
The Lord’s Prayer (8): Lead us not into temptation (Matt 6:9-15) 20.10.18
The Lord’s Prayer (9): Kingdom, power and glory (Matt 6:9-15) 20.10.25
When You Fast (Matt 6:16-18) 20.11.15
Treasures (Matt 6:19-24) 20.11.22
Do not be anxious (Matt 6:25-34) 20.11.29
Judge Not (Matt 7:1-6) 20.12.06
Ask and It Will Be Given (Matt 7:7-11) 20.12.13
The Golden Rule (Matt 7:12) 20.12.27
Two Ways (Matt 7:13-14) 21.01.03
Two Trees (Matt 7:15-20) 21.01.10
Two Houses (Matt 7:21-29) 21.01.17
The Firm Foundation (Matt 7:24-29) 21.01.24